Culver Hots – Review

Lately I’ve been having trouble finding places to get plates. Which is not to say that I’ve tried everywhere; but I want to venture further out. Try places in different area’s that I haven’t tried before. With that in mind last week I decided to make the trip to Irondequoit to try out Culver Hots and their “Culver Plate”. The decor of the place begs a lot of questions. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t have great expectations of cleanliness when walking into a hots place. However, this was by far the dumpiest place yet. It seemed like they didn’t even finish painting the place. With that said, the plate they served up was fantastic. Let this be a lesson to not judge a book by its cover. Let’s break down the plate:
As of the writing of this review, 3/13/18 they had one critical violation. I’ll be completely honest I expected them to have more but the proof is in the inspection notes; they’re clean.
Meat (Cheese burgers): 3
They cooked the burger well but it was a bit rubbery. The meat patty was average.
Meat Sauce: 5
The meat sauce was sneaky good. At first taste I was thinking “oh this is nothing special” but after a few more bites the heat creeps up on you. This is how meat sauce should be.
Potato Side (Home Fries): 3
The home fries were a mediocre affair.
Mac Salad: 5
Quite possibly the best mac salad I’ve had up to this point. It was unique and in a word, excellent.
Bread: N/A
Bread is extra at this establishment and I’m a bit cheap. I suppose next time I should pony up and pay for the bread to see what I’m missing out on. The fact that it isn’t included in the 10$ plate is a bit disappointing.
Portion Control/Composition: 5
They give you plenty of bang for your buck at Culver Hots. The plate had a good balance to it and nothing was overpowering. The price was reasonable and they serve you quickly. Although the plate was a bit greasy I can look past this and award them a five for portion/composition.