Skylark Review

It’s been a while since I’ve eaten the Skylark plate. Upon receiving the plate I was a bit disappointed, I thought “they must have run out of fries or something. Maybe their fryer is broken.”
I had completely forgotten that this plate was different.
At Skylark they serve two fried mashed potato balls, two meatballs laid over a helping of mac salad. Upon this realization I came to understand that this plate was going to transcend the ordinary plate experience.
This was to be a “deluxe” plate.
If you fancy and you know it clap your hands *clap* *clap*.
This plate costs 9.72$ and took roughly 14 minutes to arrive. The nice thing about Skylark is that you can enjoy a cold adult beverage while you’re waiting for you meal.
This was arguably the best plate I’ve had. In the ratings you’ll notice that Dogtown still has the top spot but this plate is a bit better. I was a bit generous in my Dogtown review. In lieu of changing the review I’ll mention that I was *probably* too generous.
Here is what I received:
Meat (Meatballs!): 5
The five’s keep rolling in :). I mentioned in the introduction they use meatballs instead of cheeseburger/hots. The meatballs at skylark are exquisite. I can’t say enough good things about them. The good news is that if you don’t want the full plate, you can order sliders.
Meat Sauce: 4
The meat sauce here was good; but there wasn’t enough of it. I was able to isolate some of it to taste it and it seemed almost like a marinara. I may be imagining that, but it was good. Not the best I’ve ever had; but good.
Potato Side (Deep Fried Mashed Potato Balls!!): 5
I was pretty confused when I opened this up. I’ll admit it had been a while since I’ve had a skylark plate. I completely forgot, and was pleasantly surprised, by these mashed potato balls. They were amazing.
Mac Salad: 3
The mac salad at skylark is mediocre. I appreciated their use of Cavatappi pasta but the mac salad itself was sort of boring.
Bread: N/A
There is no bread served with the skylark plate.
Portion Control/Composition: 4
A reason they lost points here was simply for the fact that when I order a plate I expect that I’ll be full after eating it. If I’m paying a premium (this was the second most expensive plate thus far) I shouldn’t be hungry afterward. I could be a fat ass. Okay, probably a fat ass; but the point remains.
On a final note, they’d be better served to utilize Styrofoam containers that are the industry standard. In lieu of using two thin paper food trays stacked precariously on top of one another. Which could have let to disastrous spillage situation.
Overall Score: 4.20
Although the rating is lower than Dogtown, this arguably the best plate I’ve had thus far. Skylark stands above the rest in quality, ingredients, and their innovative approach to the plate. This is a must for any self-respecting plate connoisseur. This plate was so good that I’ve decided to award it the “deluxe” tag.
yo that submit so interesting